[Xml-compile] error: element `SLAObject' not processed at {http://brixworks02.example.com:8080/API/SOAP/Utils/}getSLASResponse/sla_list

Mark Overmeer mark at overmeer.net
Fri Jan 27 08:49:51 GMT 2012

* Joshua Keroes (joshua at keroes.com) [120127 06:08]:
> Thank you for the educated review - I'll pass your statements back

The quality of the interfaces is usually not of interest at management
levels.  It's a pitty, because interface specs often survive many
generations of the application...  Once written, they never change it.
I have a few bad experiences with that.

> I am, in fact, using XML::Compile - and it's working - but I'm doing
> horrible things to make that succeed. We had a lot of money on the line,
> dozens of eyeballs, and needed to make things work with three whole days.
> XML::Compile (and Dancer and Moose) made that possible. Today, I was able
> to get a fully functioning WSDL-REST middleware online.


> Working around the broken XML required pulling it from the
> XML::Compile::SOAP::Trace object (so glad that was made available), fixing
> it, manually handling the errors, then serializing it with
> Dancer::Plugin::REST, and sending it along.

On way would be to cleanly hook into the code. There are a few ways to
do it, for instance in LWP.

> As long as I've already bought my handbasket and punched my ticket, I'm
> wondering is there's a place to insert an XSLT in XML::Compile's processing
> chain?  If I could get my hands on the XML response fresh from the SOAP
> server, correct it, then XML::Compile would be able to proceed correctly.

There is no clean hook (yet).  I think the you could do the followin.

The real code is this:
  package XML::Compile::SOAP;
  sub _reader(@) { my $self = shift; $self->{schemas}->reader(@_) }

Add this to your own progam:  (untested)

  {   my $process_clean_xml = $self->{schemas}->reader(@_);  # code ref
      sub {  my $dirty_xml = shift;    # isa XML::LibXML::Document
             # Use XML::LibXML xslt processor to clean-up
             # I have no experience with that.
             my $valid_xml = XML::LibXSLT->???(...$dirty_xml...);
             $process_valid_xml->($valid_xml);  # returns Perl

> On the scale of evil, that seems more like level three of Hell than level
> seven.

It seems you thrive on evil.

> What do you think?

well done.


       Mark Overmeer MSc                                MARKOV Solutions
       Mark at Overmeer.net                          solutions at overmeer.net
http://Mark.Overmeer.net                   http://solutions.overmeer.net

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