Fwd: [Xml-compile] Re: XML::LibXML::Simple nil and restructuring

Joshua Keroes joshua at keroes.com
Wed Jun 19 16:29:27 GMT 2013

Forwarding this on to the group!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mark Overmeer <mark at overmeer.net>
Date: Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 12:45 AM
Subject: [Xml-compile] Re: XML::LibXML::Simple nil and restructuring
To: Joshua Keroes <joshua at keroes.com>

Hi Joshua,

Please post to the list.

* Joshua Keroes (joshua at keroes.com) [130617 23:15]:
> I'm proxying requests to an unhelpful API, trying to make lookups easier
> (done), and trying to "fix" their XML (done with XML::LibXML::Simple and
> Data::Visitor but slow), and returning the response to the user.

> With options *keyattr =3D> [qw/ name description /], forcearray =3D> [qw/=
> r c /]*, X::L::S converts that to:
> *  'rows' =3D> [*
> *        {*
> *          'r' =3D> [*
> *            {*
> *              'c' =3D> [*
> *                {*
> *                  'xsi:nil' =3D> 'true',*
> *                  'xmlns:xsi' =3D> '
> '*
> *                },*
> *              ],*
> *              'properties' =3D> {*
> *                'property' =3D> {*
> *                  'type' =3D> 'int',*
> *                  'content' =3D> '0',*
> *                  'name' =3D> 'healthIndex'*
> *                }*
> *              },*
> *              'cellproperties' =3D> {}*
> *            }*
> *          ]*
> *        }*
> *      ]*
> Thing 1: I would like to see *undef* instead of* { 'xsi:nil' ... }*
> e.g. *c =3D> [ undef, undef, undef ] . *I have a Data::Visitor solution t=
> can do this but it's slow.

XML::LibXML::Simple is just a reimplementation of the XML::Simple
interface using the XML::LibXML parser.  It is not more clever.

> Thing 2: *r* and *c* are just arrays. They don't need to be named arrays.
> Did I miss a way to eat those keys? In other words, what I'd like to see
> *    rows =3D> [*
> *      [ undef, undef, undef ],*
> *    ]*
> *
> And for responses with more complex data:
> *    rows =3D> [*
> *      [ 1.0, 2.2, 4.1 ],*
> *      [ 1.0, 2.1, 4.0 ],*
> *      [ 1.0, 2.2, 4.1 ],*
> *    ]*

When the data structure is so well known, it is easy to avoid the use
of Data::Visitor.  Something like this (untested)

    my $rows =3D ....
    my @r;
    foreach my $r (@{$rows->[0]{r}})
    {   my @c;
        foreach my $c (@{$r->[0]{c}})
        {   push @c, ref $c eq 'HASH' && $c->{'xsi:nil'} ? undef : $c;
        push @r, \@c;

Not more complex than this.  (You loose the 'properties' info')

       Mark Overmeer MSc                                MARKOV Solutions
       Mark at Overmeer.net                          solutions at overmeer.net
http://Mark.Overmeer.net                   http://solutions.overmeer.net

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