[Xml-compile] repeat tags with XML::Schema
Mark Overmeer
mark at overmeer.net
Tue Jun 25 11:19:15 GMT 2013
* Hugues Max (huguesmax at gmail.com) [130625 11:07]:
> in push @pmtids, + {PmtId => {
> what mean this +
There are many meanings for {}, for instance a code block. In this
base we want the ref-hash meaning. Perl is capable of correctly detect
which meaning the {} have... however, it is not always clear for the
reader of the program. So, for clarity sake only, I often write +{}
-hash to be explicit that I create a ref-hash.
> normal push is
> push(@pmtids, $value);
> and what is the sens of \@ instead of @ in ( this is a ref to.. ?)
> $s->{CstmrDrctDbtInitn}{PmtInf}{DrctDbtTxInf} = \@pmtids;
my @a = (3, 4);
my ($x, $y) = @a; -> $x==3, $y==$4
my ($v, $w) = \@a; -> $v==[3,4], $w==undef
@x is an array: storage for a list of values (not a ref)
\@x is a reference to an array; where to find an array
Mark Overmeer MSc MARKOV Solutions
Mark at Overmeer.net solutions at overmeer.net
http://Mark.Overmeer.net http://solutions.overmeer.net
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