[Xml-compile] RE: decode error

DEIGNAN Ciaran C.DEIGNAN at rsd.com
Fri Jun 28 14:06:55 GMT 2013

Hi Mark and list,

I'm trying to get XML-Compile to talk to an internally developed SOAP interface, with a WSDL.

The server's response has an error, I'm wondering if I can implement a workaround on the client side.

The message generated by XML-Compile is


Using XML-Compile version       1.34

Using XML-Compile-SOAP version  2.36


error: decode error: element `{http://www.rsd.com/public/governanceManager/navigation/v3/schema}contentRepository' not processed for {http://www.rsd.com/public/governanceManager/navigation/v3/schema}getContentRepositoriesResponse/return at /soap:Envelope/soap:Body/a:getContentRepositoriesResponse/return/a:contentRepository[1]

Errors while decoding:

  error: decode error: element `{http://www.rsd.com/public/governanceManager/navigation/v3/schema}contentRepository' not processed for {http://www.rsd.com/public/governanceManager/navigation/v3/schema}getContentRepositoriesResponse/return at /soap:Envelope/soap:Body/a:getContentRepositoriesResponse/return/a:contentRepository[1]

The problem is that the WSDL says that the reply "contentRepository" should be in the namespace http://www.rsd.com/public/governanceManager/common/v3/schema.

Apparently other users haven't detected the error.

Is there a flag to be more approximate ? Magic pixie dust?


Ciaran Deignan

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