[Xml-compile] XML::Compile::Translate 1.35 - Log::Report?

Mark Overmeer mark at overmeer.net
Tue Sep 3 07:42:18 GMT 2013

* Patrick Powell (papowell at astart.com) [130902 16:11]:
> Problem 1:
> The 'topLevel($$) routine has an error message:
>        or error __x(( $fullname eq $path
> # original           ? N__"cannot find element or attribute `{name}'"
> # original           : N__"cannot find element or attribute `{name}'
> at {where}"
>                     ? "cannot find element or attribute `{name}'"
>                     : "cannot find element or attribute `{name}' at
> {where}"
>                     ), name => $fullname, where => $path, _class =>
> 'usage');
> If the orginal lines are left in, you get the following error message
> ERROR ERROR try-block stopped with ERROR: error: cannot find element
> or attribute `errorReportMsg'
> If you replace them by the indicated ones, you get:
> ERROR ERROR try-block stopped with ERROR: error: cannot find element
> or attribute `errorReportMsg'

Problem?  I see twice the same message... so why do you think this is
a problem?  The longer syntax is needed because the translation text
harvester (xgettext-perl) whould otherwise not detect the string.
N__() is a no-op function at runtime

> Problem 2:
> This is perl 5, version 14, subversion 4 (v5.14.4)
> The call to the topLevel() routine is done using:
>     #eval {
>         ($answer, $trace) = $call->(%$params);
>     #};
>     print "ProcessRequest: REQUEST '$request' ERROR '$@'\n"
> The exception is not caught and the program exits.   If you use the
> 'eval' then
> you get:
>   ProcessRequest: REQUEST 'GetFaultRequest' ERROR ''
> Apparently the Exception is not being propagated inside the eval.
> This was a problem before in a
> much older version of Log::Report.

There is something wrong, because

   > perl -MLog::Report -e 'error "help"'
   error: help

   >  perl -MLog::Report -e 'try {error "help"}; print $@'
   try-block stopped with ERROR: error: help

   > perl -MLog::Report -e 'eval {error "help"}; print $@'
   error: help
   error: help

   > perl -MLog::Report -e 'try {error "help"}; print $@->wasFatal'
   error: help

The last version is the right one, however the third should not produce
a double message.  But none of these four reproduce your report.


       Mark Overmeer MSc                                MARKOV Solutions
       Mark at Overmeer.net                          solutions at overmeer.net
http://Mark.Overmeer.net                   http://solutions.overmeer.net

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