[Xml-compile] $_[0] + 0.0 for sloppy floats
Mark Overmeer
mark at overmeer.net
Tue Dec 16 13:04:28 GMT 2014
* hmepas (hmepas at gmail.com) [141216 12:30]:
> Talking about JSON, I am not seeing any other options actually, than
> looking into SV. It's the only way to check type of the scalar, beside
> having scalar stored into object. So the options are:
> * having objects (slow down and overcomplicate things);
> * having everything stringified in json;
> * look into SV.
When you look at the SV, my choice would be to take the float representation
over the string representation: a float is more special.
> Bonus option: use language with strict types.
YAML and JSON are typical examples of "let's make it simpler" (silenty
to be extended with "to shoot in your own foot") That's one of the
few justifications of XML: it is as complex as you can think ;-)
I think strict interfaces are the most important base for stable
programming. Why do people pick a sloppy interface format (JSON), and
then a strict programming language (Java)? Better use string interaces
(XML) and sloppy languages (Perl) ;-b
> About making every key in json a string
> { "MapPoint" : { x : "10.2", y : "45.9" } }
> this json code will break deserialization for strict typing languages like,
> java. If x and y is floats in java.
I don't know. Probably depends on the JSON library used. As parser, I
would implemented some smartness if untyped information gets read for
my strongly typed language.
> Do I miss something?
If you feel that JSON should produce typed info, you may ask the authors
of those implementations to solve that.
Mark Overmeer MSc MARKOV Solutions
Mark at Overmeer.net solutions at overmeer.net
http://Mark.Overmeer.net http://solutions.overmeer.net
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