[Xml-compile] patch for treating { array => 'scalar' } explicitly as an error in Writer.

Mark Overmeer mark at overmeer.net
Sun Jan 18 20:26:19 GMT 2015

* hmepas (hmepas at gmail.com) [150118 15:11]:
> When I send soap-requests from XML::Compile i could use structres like
> { array_element => 'something' }
> Where array_element defined with maxOccur > 1. And XML::Compile will
> quietly treat it as [ 'something' ] provided. In my practice, if I as a
> programmer providing scalar where array ref expected it's most of the time
> just honest mistake, like @values beside \@values, and for me would be more
> expected behaviour is to just have errors then this happens.

The writer offers a little more flexibility than the reader.  In this
case:    <element name="item" type="string" minOccurs="unbounded"/>
the reader will always produce   item => ['foo']
but the writer with accept both  item => ['foo']  as  item => 'foo'

 . Very very often, the schema permits to include more than one element,
   but it is never used with more than one element.  Those additional
   array [] make the code less readible.

 . I have seen elements change over schema versions from default
   maxOccurs=1 into maxOccurs > 1.  In this case, the offered
   flexibility helps: the old code works with the new schema.

 . It's quite confusing that the 'item' is signular, but you always
   have to give it an array.  It has bitten me a few times until
   I had enough of it.

So: the flexibility is on purpose and does help coders.  It is not

I will not change the code for the simple reason of backwards
compatibility.  I'll only break that when the code produces
incorrect results.


       Mark Overmeer MSc                                MARKOV Solutions
       Mark at Overmeer.net                          solutions at overmeer.net
http://Mark.Overmeer.net                   http://solutions.overmeer.net

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