[Xml-compile] How do I format this request?

Kit Peters Kit.Peters at broadbean.com
Wed Oct 28 01:38:05 GMT 2015

I’m attempting to make use of the “findEntities” operation defined in this WSDL: http://paste.scsys.co.uk/500528

When I try and “explain” this operation using XML::Compile::WSDL11, it doesn’t outline anything inside the “query” (see lines 17858, 3810, and 1121) element.  Says it’s “probably a recursive complex”.  Somewhat by trial and error I’ve found that I need an XML structure like:

<quer:query xmlns:quer="http://www.example.com/ws/integration/query" productCode="RC1501" model="http://www.example.com/ws/tee800/2009/01" projectedClass="Candidate" locale="en" mode="T-XML" largegraph="true" preventDuplicates="false" attributes="info.export.limit=true”>



<quer:field path=“Field1” />



<quer:field path=“Field2” />






        <quer:field path="City"/>






But I can’t seem to figure out how to represent that in a Perl data structure suitable for XML::Compile::WSDL11.  I’ve tried variations on the following, but to no avail:

my ( $response, $trace ) = $client->call(

    findEntities => mappingVersion => $MAPPING_VERSION,

    query        => {

        query => {

            alias          => 'TestQuery',

            projectedClass => 'Candidate',

            projections    => { projection => [ { field => { path => 'Number' } } ] },

            filterings =>

                { filtering => [ { equal => { field => { path => 'LastName' }, string => 'McTesterson' } } ] },



    attributes => {

        entry => [

            {   key => 'info.export.limit',

                value => 'false',





Can anyone suggest how I would encapsulate this query for XML::Compile::WSDL11?


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