[Xml-compile] XML::Compile::WSDL11 troubles with MediaMind API

Matthew Horsfall (alh) wolfsage at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 16:39:18 GMT 2015


I'm trying to use XML::Compile with
http://platform.mediamind.com/Eyeblaster.MediaMind.API.Doc/, and for
most things it's working wonderfully.

However, there's on piece of the API that I'm not able to get to work
and I can't figure out why. (I apologize for the long email...)

In the Advertisers service
there is a GetAdvertisers call

This call takes an AdvertisersFilter argument which is an array of
AdvertiserServiceFilter. AdvertiserServiceFilter can be made up of a
bunch of different derived types - AdvertiserHasConversionsFilter,
AdvertiserIDFilter, AdvertiserNameFilter, etc...

No matter how I try though, I can't seem to pass these down. I
discovered the explain() call, which helped a little, but that call
doesn't seem to be aware of the derived types. I also couldn't get
explain() to work without some messing around.

For example:

  #!/usr/bin/env perl

  use strict;
  use warnings;

  use LWP::UserAgent;

  use XML::Compile::WSDL11;
  use XML::Compile::SOAP11;
  use XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP;

  use File::Temp qw(tempfile);

  my $wsdl_url =

  # Grab wsdl, compile it
  my (undef, $file) = tempfile();
  $file .= ".wsdl1";

  my $lwp = LWP::UserAgent->new;
  my $res = $lwp->mirror($wsdl_url, $file);
  die "Mirroring failed: " . $res->status_line unless $res->is_success;

  my $wsdl = XML::Compile::WSDL11->new($file);

  print $wsdl->explain('GetAdvertisers', PERL => 'INPUT', recurse => 1);

If I run that, I get:

   $ perl exp.pl
   error: no prefix known for namespace
`http://api.eyeblaster.com/message', use addPrefixes()

If I add a bogus prefix, it seems to work.
($wsdl->addNicePrefix('bah', 'http://api.eyeblaster.com/message');)

  $ perl exp.pl
  # Describing complex bah:GetAdvertisersRequest
  #     {http://api.eyeblaster.com/message}GetAdvertisersRequest
  # xmlns:bah       http://api.eyeblaster.com/message
  # xmlns:q5        http://api.eyeblaster.com/V1/DataContracts
  # xmlns:xs        http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema

  # is an unnamed complex
  { # sequence of AdvertisersFilter, Paging, ShowAdvertiserExtendedInfo

    # is a q5:ArrayOfAdvertiserServiceFilter
    # is nillable, as: AdvertisersFilter => NIL
    # is optional
    AdvertisersFilter =>
    { # sequence of AdvertiserServiceFilter

      # is a q5:AdvertiserServiceFilter
      # is nillable, as: AdvertiserServiceFilter => NIL
      # occurs any number of times
      AdvertiserServiceFilter => [{},], },

    # is a bah:ListPaging
    # is nillable, as: Paging => NIL
    # is optional
    Paging =>
    { # sequence of PageIndex, PageSize

      # is a xs:int
      PageIndex => 42,

      # is a xs:int
      PageSize => 42, },

    # is a xs:boolean
    # is optional
    ShowAdvertiserExtendedInfo => "true", }


So that helped a little. I can see that I need:

  AdvertisersFilter => {
    AdvertiserServiceFilter => [ {

    } ],

However, I don't know what to put in AdvertiserServiceFilter. This
*should* be any one of AdvertiserHasConversionsFilter,
AdvertiserIDFilter, AdvertiserNameFilter I would think, but the
explain output seems to stop at AdvertiserServiceFilter => [{},] as if
it doesn't know what an AdvertiserServiceFilter is.

I've tried:

  AdvertisersFilter => { AdvertiserServiceFilter => [ {
AdvertiserNameFilter => { AdvertiserName => "..." } } ] }


  AdvertisersFilter => { AdvertiserServiceFilter => [ { AdvertiserName
=> "..." } ] }

But I always get back an error like:

  "mistake: tag `AdvertiserNameFilter' not used at

Any help would be appreciated.

Sadly, this API needs login credentials that I don't think I can
provide for testing.

-- Matthew Horsfall (alh)

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