[Xml-compile] How to get element and its type information into a hash?

Sonderegger, Markus markus.sonderegger at juliusbaer.com
Fri Mar 3 13:25:50 GMT 2017

Hi all
Background information (skip if not interesting)
I try to solve with XML::Compile therefore sorry if you have to read a few lines more.
SIC (Swiss Interbank Clearing) is migrating this year from proprietary formats to an ISO20022 XML messages like already used in SEPA where they are called pacs messages.
The target of the received payment messages is a z/OS Mainframe application written in COBOL and the content of the message is in a Copybook (fixed length structure analogous to a C struct).
We use IBM Integration Bus (IIB) which parses/serializes XML messages validating against the SIC schemas. IIB has the capability to import Copybooks allowing to serialize/parse these fixed length messages.
The transformation (mapping of the fields) is also done in IIB.
I am looking for a way to create programmatically the Copybook and the mapping statements out of the schema information.
Initially I planned to use XML::LibXML to parse the schema but as I need the logical tree represented by the schema and not just the parsed XML schema tree  I thought there must be a better way and ... I found XML::Compile.

XML::Compile is already doing the hard job namely parsing the schema and building a hash with the type information out of it.
In order to build the Copybook I need access to the element and its type information.
Is there a way to get the below template information into a hash so that I can easily access it in my script?
Or does the walkTree method allow me to get the element name with its type information out of the code reference?

A code snippet or a kind of tutorial is what would help a lot.
Many thanks in advance.

# is a x0:Document_CH_pacs008
{ # sequence of FIToFICstmrCdtTrf

  # is a x0:FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV02_CH_pacs008
  FIToFICstmrCdtTrf =>
  { # sequence of GrpHdr, CdtTrfTxInf

    # is a x0:GroupHeader33_CH_pacs008
    GrpHdr =>
    { # sequence of MsgId, CreDtTm, BtchBookg, NbOfTxs, CtrlSum,
      #   TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt, IntrBkSttlmDt, SttlmInf, PmtTpInf,
      #   InstgAgt, InstdAgt

      # is a xs:string
      # length <= 35
      # length >= 1
      MsgId => "example",
Dr. Markus Sonderegger
Application Integration
Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd.
Hohlstrasse 600, P.O. Box, CH-8010 Zurich, Switzerland
Telephone +41 58 88 77281, Telefax +41 58 88 74851
Mobile Phone +41 79 698 09 79

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