[Catalyst-dev] MojoMojo installed on dev., what's left before it makes / ?

Matt S Trout dbix-class at trout.me.uk
Sun Jun 8 20:48:52 BST 2008


is now what used to be catwiki.toeat.com; can we please have a list of
things that need doing before I move it to be / and turn trac off

Main thing I can see is making sure there are obvious links to svnweb
and to rt.cpan, and somebody needs to figure out how to export the current
trac wiki as plain HTML so I can stick it under /trac-wiki/ or something
for pulling page data we didn't migrate through. Anything else?

(note: yes, it isn't themed yet. no, I don't care, neither is trac)

      Matt S Trout       Need help with your Catalyst or DBIx::Class project?
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