[Catalyst-dev] MojoMojo installed on dev., what's left before it makes / ?

Jonathan Rockway jon at jrock.us
Sun Jun 8 23:50:30 BST 2008

* On Sun, Jun 08 2008, Matt S Trout wrote:
> http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/new-wiki/
> is now what used to be catwiki.toeat.com; can we please have a list of
> things that need doing before I move it to be / and turn trac off
> entirely?
> Main thing I can see is making sure there are obvious links to svnweb
> and to rt.cpan, and somebody needs to figure out how to export the current
> trac wiki as plain HTML so I can stick it under /trac-wiki/ or something
> for pulling page data we didn't migrate through. 

wget -r?

print just => another => perl => hacker => if $,=$"

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