OT: Templating systems (was RE: [Catalyst] New default screen for Catalyst)

arnaud at underlands.org arnaud at underlands.org
Wed Oct 19 17:46:07 CEST 2005

On Wed, Oct 19, 2005 at 10:41:50AM -0400, Thomas, Mark - BLS CTR wrote:
> > > HTML::Template rules !!!
> > > As it's the templating system which has the greatest 
> > > separation between code and presention, and it's
> > > also the one having the highest KISS factor...
> > Err.... whoops  - looks like you accidentally said 
> > "HTML::Template", when you 
> > _obviously_  had to have been talking about Petal.

I start to feel guilty from lauching this TROLL
(Is it clear enough ;-) )

The best Templating system is the one that suit your needs/tastes.
TT is probavly, IMHO, one of the most powerful, but it's not
what I'm looking for.
Now just to give *my* point of view :

> Personally, I don't see how HTML::Template is any different from how I
> use TT, except:
> 1. It's more verbose <TMPL_VAR NAME=FOO> versus [% foo %]

It *enforces* a stronger separation between code and presentation.
I'm aware that a *complete* separation is not possible or at least not the best

You can only display variable, have conditional display and make loop in your template, no possibility to throw in filters, or expression (at least not in the basic H::T) or other things which relate to code (and not presentation) to my mind

> 2. It is limited to HTML only

I don't understand, I also use HTML::Template to do mass mailing
Could you developp ?

> 3. Your HTML templates cannot be validated as proper HTML.

But *I* don't care as long as the produced HTML code can.
I don't see why, but I understand that some people would like to
validate their template instead of tht resulting page.

> If you guys want to see a templating system with the highest KISS factor
> I've seen, you have to look outside of Perl to Amrita2. It's not as
> flexible as TT, but the creators chose simplicity over flexibility.
> Check it out at http://amrita2.rubyforge.org/

Thanks for the link, seems pretty cool to me.
There's something to do with it...


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