[Catalyst] Catalyst-Apache

Andy Grundman andy at hybridized.org
Tue Sep 20 05:32:43 CEST 2005

Danh Nguyen wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> Thanks a lot for your patience. I hope you don't get mad.
> 1- There's nothing in the error log - so I cannot paste anything

If there is nothing at all in the error log, you have bigger problems...

> 2- Apache has never started since I add those lines to include the myapp.

I thought it did?  You earlier said you ran Apache from the command 
prompt and it started up showing the Catalyst debug startup text.

> Finally I add :
> --------
> NameVirtualHost *:80
> <Perl>
>      use lib qw(C:/Cataculous/lib);
> </Perl>
> PerlLoadModule Cataculous
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>      ServerName localhost
>      DocumentRoot C:/Cataculous

This should be C:/Cataculous/root

>      <Location />
>          SetHandler modperl
>          PerlResponseHandler Cataculous
>      </Location>
>      <LocationMatch "/(static|favicon.ico)">
>          SetHandler default-handler
>      </LocationMatch>
> </VirtualHost>
> ------------
> to the httpd.conf file.
> Also, I added these two lines:
> --------
> LoadFile "C:/Perl/bin/perl58.dll"
> LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so
> -----------
> right after the #LoadModule lines....
> The debug window shut down, and I got this error message :
> ---
> *Apache HTTP Server has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are 
> sorry for the inconvenience.*

This means you should see helpful error messages in your 
Apache/logs/error_log file.  I think it might be error_log.txt on win32 
or something.

> *------*
> *AppName: apache.exe AppVer: ModName: perl58.dll*
> *ModVer: Offset: 000899be*
> -----------* *

Hmm, if this is from a crash window, maybe your version of Perl and the 
version of mod_perl from the PPD are incompatible.  I am running my 
server using the latest ActiveState Perl.  Is that what you're using?

> And just one more question:
> do i need to do the same thing if I move to a Linux serve?

It's much easier on Linux (if you know what you're doing...)


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