[Catalyst] problems installing
Nathan Kurz
nate at verse.com
Wed Feb 8 20:09:35 CET 2006
On Wed, Feb 08, 2006 at 07:48:58PM +0100, Sebastian Riedel wrote:
> 08.02.2006 19:25 Christopher H. Laco:
> >O.M.G. The thread that won't die. :-)
Yes, it's funny the way that installation problems will continue to
produce one thread per new user until the new users stop coming.
> >Nathan, if you just want to tinker around, give this is try:
> >http://handelframework.com/downloads/CatInABox.tar.gz
I do not wish to just tinker around. I'd like to install Catalyst so
that I can put up a small live site for light duty use. I found
CatInABox via the list archives, but I had presumed it was only
suitable for does-it-even-run type testing from local directory, and
presumed it did not provide an upgrade path to Sessions, State, Email,
and the like. Is it in fact the right choice for a real site?
> >(I feel like a broken record on that today. Maybe I need to put a link
> >in the wiki for CatInABox)...
> We should really put a big fat "Download" button on the frontpage
> (with a box icon)!
Is this to imply that the CPAN installation method is deprecated? If
so, I would suggest that yes, instructions to avoid it and use the
preferred alternative would be useful, even to the point of including
a link to the preferred method of install from the documentation.
I now have what Catalyst installation that passes the CPAN tests for
"test Catalyst" and "test Task::Catalyst". The one additional step
that was necessary beyond those in my previous message was a call to
"install Module::Find", as a dependency of DBIx::Class::Schema.
Any thoughts on the suggestions I made for changes to the dependencies
so that a CPAN install would work?
1) Make sure that Task::Catalyst is signed properly.
2) Set overall upfront Perl version requirements to 5.8.6
(or drop whatever is causing that dependency)
3) Add Params::Validate to dependencies for Catalyst::Log:Log4Perl
4) Add Date::Calc to dependencies for Catalyst::Plugin::HTML::Widget,
even though it probably isn't our fault.
5) Maybe make whatever is using RPC::XML non-default until RPC::XML
can pass its tests? Or maybe this is a Perl version error too.
I'm not trying to be as aggressive as I may sound, but I'm confused by
the dismissive attitude towards solveable installation problems.
Nathan Kurz
nate at verse.com
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