[Catalyst] External plugins

Ovid publiustemp-catalyst at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 14 22:30:50 CET 2006

We have an app which uses Catalyst.  However, the plugins can
theoretically not be Catalyst specific.  As far as I can tell, the only
way to use a plugin which doesn't start with "Catalyst::Plugin::" is to
do this:

  use base 'Some::Plugin::In::Another::Namespace';

However, this has a potential problem.  We now have two ways of doing
the same thing (using plugins).  At some point in the future, if the
Catalyst::setup_plugins() method changes its behavior, those who "use
base" to load a different plugin may not be able to take advantage of
the new behavior.  My suggestion is to allow a unary plus on a package
name to allow "foreign" plugins:

  use Catalyst qw(

I'd happily make this change, but I'd rather hear from feedback from
folks before I do this.


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