[Catalyst] [ANNOUNCE] Catalyst::View::TT 0.22 - Warning: Change
in behavior
Christopher H. Laco
claco at chrislaco.com
Mon Jan 23 15:43:49 CET 2006
Marcus Ramberg wrote:
> Hi.
> I've just uploaded Catalyst::View::TT version 0.22 to CPAN, this release
> changes the default template name, so that if $c->stash->{template} is not
> set, it will fall back to the private name of the matched action, rather
> than the eclictic (and not very usable) mix of $c->req->action and
> $c->req->match we were using before. I'm sorry about the inconvenience this
> causes for anyone, but the Catalyst team really feels this is the way
> forward, as the previous solution was not really usable.
> --
> With regards
> Marcus Ramberg
Booooo. Hiisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. :-)
This is definitely one of those announcements where some examples would
be worth a 1000 questions since the pod for $c->action is example-less.
So, that means if I have:
Admin/Gallery.pm : foo : Local
Gallery.pm : foo : Local
And no templates set in either, they will both try and use root/foo
instead of root/admin/gallery/foo and root/gallery.foo ?
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