[Catalyst] Error handling strategy wrt /end
apv at sedition.com
Fri Jan 27 00:35:13 CET 2006
I'm still refactoring but this is what I'm doing right now (improvement
sub end : Private {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
return 1 if $c->response->body;
return 1 if $c->response->status =~ /^3\d\d$/;
# render, but maybe template itself is the problem
$c->forward( $c->view('TT') );
# false means another error, so we have to rerender
$c->forward(qw( Controller::Errors error_to_template ))
or $c->forward( $c->view('TT') );
$c->request->parameters->{password} = undef;
if $c->request->method() eq 'POST';
MyApp::Controller::Errors looks, in part, like so:
my @Error_Map = # order counts
qr/\b(?:DBI|MyApp::Model::)\b/ => {
status => "503",
title => "503: service unavailable",
template => "page/generic_error",
message => 1,
notify => 1,
sub error_to_template : Private {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
return 1 unless @{ $c->error };
my $err_str = join " ", @{$c->error};
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @Error_Map; $i += 2 )
my ( $rx, $config ) = @Error_Map[$i,$i+1];
next unless $err_str =~ /$rx/;
if ( $1 ) {
$config->{status} ||= $1;
$config->{title} ||= "$1: " . status_message($1);
$config->{message} = $c->error
if $config->{message} or $c->debug;
my $iter = $i == 0 ? 0 : ($i / 2);
push @{$config->{message}}, "Caught in error iteration $iter";
$c->stash( %{ $config } );
$c->response->status( $config->{status} );
return 0;
# $c->forward(qw( Controller::Utilities mail_error ))
# if $c->config->{mail_error} and $config->{notify};
On Thursday, January 26, 2006, at 02:43 PM, Phil Mitchell wrote:
> My actions all have an eval block that lets me catch and handle
> exceptions thrown by my model classes. What this leaves out is any
> exceptions that arise once the work is handed off to the TT view -- in
> /end. What this means is that for most errors, I provide a nice error
> message; but if TT dies, the user gets the generic catalyst error
> screen. Not nice.
> I could catch these exceptions by explicitly forwarding to /end inside
> each eval cage, but that kind of defeats the point of having the /end
> action. Also, I don't want to use TT try/catch blocks, bc I want the
> error handling all in one place.
> Curious to know how other people approach error handling.
> --
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