[Catalyst] InstantCRUD issues

Zbigniew Lukasiak zzbbyy at gmail.com
Sun Jul 2 17:01:28 CEST 2006

Hi Kaare,

You should not call the HTML::Widget generator faulty - it generates HTML
code compliant with the specification. It is rather unfriendly for people
who need to read the generated code and the CSS designers, but thats another
thing (and I am not a CSS expert so I cannot say that for sure).

I am thinking about switching from HTML::Widget to something else for
InstantCRUD because of that -  generating the widgets with TT or something
should be easier than adding yet another XSLT layer, but for now I have  no
time for that.

Jonas Alves is working on a new version of InstantCRUD with much better
support for between tables relations (including the 1:many case that now is
not supported at all).


On 7/2/06, Kaare Rasmussen <kaare at jasonic.dk> wrote:
> > It's not impossible to style, but it is a problem.  People have
> suggested
> > XSLT to convert the generated html into something sane.
> Why not fix the source of the problem, the faulty generator?
> > You need to tell the model classes how to stringify, eg:
> Thanks, it works great :-)
> --
> Med venlig hilsen
> Kaare Rasmussen, Jasonic
> Jasonic                 Telefon: +45 3816 2582
> Nordre Fasanvej 12
> 2000 Frederiksberg      Email: kaare at jasonic.dk
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Zbigniew Lukasiak
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