[Catalyst] setting/getting session data from within tests

Matt S Trout dbix-class at trout.me.uk
Mon Jun 5 19:11:06 CEST 2006

Daniel McBrearty wrote:
> but sometimes you have to, to get a reasonable level of usability ... eg:
> In my app, the user selects his language. Either language is stored in
> the session once selected, or you make him select anew every visit,
> and pass the value back and fore every request. My current
> implementation of engoi does this, but it's not pretty.
> Same for any app where you have a members system with a persistent login.
> Anyhow, I'm thinking that there is a persistent store for this
> *somewhere* under the guts of cat. It's just a case of making an
> interface to it which is accessible to the test framework.

Why bother?


sub dump_stuff :Local {
   <lob contents of session etc. into $c->res->body here>

in your test

use lib qw(t/lib);

then get the data via a mech request to /test/dump_stuff ...

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