[Catalyst] How create a PDF report?
alan at ufies.org
Thu Jun 8 22:21:14 CEST 2006
No one seems to have mentioned htmldoc yet, which you can simply pass a
URL and the filename to output. Not all perly, but a simple solution if
this is is just a little application.
On Thu, Jun 08, 2006 at 09:24:33AM -0400, Christian S?nchez wrote:
> Hi, I'm been using Catalyst recently to make a little application and
> I want to create a PDF report, I have it using TT, Is there a way to
> make it in PDF format?. I was reading the documentation but I didn't
> found (or maybe didn't see ) something about that, I also search in
> CPAN but I didn't see some module or plugin for this. How can I do
> this? Is there a module or documentation about this?.
> Thanks.
> --
> Christian S?nchez
> Usuario GNU/Linux 234800
> Jabber ID: g013m at bulmalug.net
> Maracay - Venezuela
> http://g013m.unplug.org.ve
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Alan <alan at ufies.org> - http://arcterex.net
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