[Catalyst] development setup
Marcello Romani
mromani at ottotecnica.com
Fri Jun 23 17:01:40 CEST 2006
Carl Johnstone ha scritto:
>> And I suppose the fact that you use a shared apache installation is
>> because everyone is woking on the same project, so you have a common
>> access point for the application... ?-)
> Yes, we could have anything up to a dozen people working on the same
> project. By using slightly different URLs eg:
> carl.site1.test
> marcello.site1.test
> Apache is configured to automatically pick up the correct developers htdocs
> (via a network share).
> The key thing though is that the rest of the environment (versions of
> software, additional modules etc) can be kept in sync with the live
> environment, without having to update 12 desktops.
> Carl
Ok, much clearer now.
To clarify my suggestion, suppose every developer has a home dir on the
shared dev server.
Then if everyone develops using their own copy of the application, and
use the Catalyst http test server for testing, they obviously share the
catalyst modules and every other module insalled system-wide.
The modules that make up the application are of course not shared.
The only thing to watch out for in this example is the port number of
the catalyst test server: the default is 3000, but every developer
should have her own (or two cat test servers couldn't run simultaneously).
One nice thing of the Cat test server if the autorestart feature
(enabled via the -r flag): it detects any changes made to the app
modules, and restarts itself without user intervention.
I found it to be quite a time saver.
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Marcello Romani
Responsabile IT
Ottotecnica s.r.l.
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