[Catalyst] RFC: Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::DBIC

Daniel Westermann-Clark daniel at acceleration.net
Fri Mar 3 04:14:41 CET 2006

For review:


I know what you're thinking: Why not use Store::DBI?  Primarily
because Store::DBI is difficult to use with a resultset-style DBIC
schema setup, as it requires direct access to a database handle.

So here's an inital pass at Store::DBIC, based on andyg's Store::DBI.
It doesn't support Class::DBI because I've never used Class::DBI, but
it probably wouldn't be too difficult to add.

It includes tests for both a DBIC schema approach and a DB approach
(thanks to ningu's Authentication::Store::DBIC tests).


Daniel Westermann-Clark

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