[Catalyst] sane migration to catalyst
apv at sedition.com
Tue Mar 14 18:35:56 CET 2006
This might be easier than you think if the new features are not part of
a current page. You can leave your regular site structure alone
completely and drop in small new features with a full Cat app.
Say Aristotle has convinced you that Atom is the only syndication worth
using :) but you you only have RSS so far. You can make the sole
dispatch action of your Cat app be the Atom feed.
Do your views and template(s) and such and then:
myapp_create.pl controller Syndication::Atom
The thing about a new Catalyst application is that it can take a long
time to get the understanding to even set it up right but once it is
set up working with it starts to become trivial. It will probably take
you a long time to set up the first feature but subsequent features can
be surprising easy.
On Tuesday, March 14, 2006, at 09:03 AM, Daniel McBrearty wrote:
> Thansk for your reply ... food for thought.
> Thanks for the advice. The main reason against doing it wholesale is
> that I need to add features/content fairly continuously. I really like
> to grow the site by adding small features that are individually not
> too much of a hit, but which all go in the right direction. That also
> helps keep users interested. BUT I can probably find workarounds that
> make it possible, if I really try. I will still have to make scripts
> to move content from the old to the new schema, but that is not that
> bad I guess.
> The more I am reading up on catalyst + DBIX and also various plugins,
> the more I am wishing I'd seen this stuff a year back. I guess that's
> what learning curves are all about ... the site is not that big now,
> it will probably be not that huge an amount of code under these
> libraries.
> I'm running Debian, Apache 1.3, mod_perl, mysql. But I will move to
> postgre, and probably Apache 2.0 in time - maybe all at once if I'm
> really gonna go for teh big bang way.
> Again thanks for teh input - I know this is pretty vague stuff, but
> it's very good to bounce ideas off people before making big decisions
> ...
> cheers
> D
> On 3/14/06, Wade.Stuart at fallon.com <Wade.Stuart at fallon.com > wrote:
> > Hi Catalisters
> >
> > I spent a few spare hours in the last weeks working through the
> > tutorial, and I think I've convinced myself that this is the
> > direction I want to go in.
> >
> Great! The learning curve can be a bit steep until you start playing
> with
> it.
> > The problem I now have is that I have an existing site, with a small
> > userbase, running under modperl (most of the scripts were cgi and
> > now run under the registry module), that needs to be kept going and
> > growing. It's pretty simple, with basic auth and no cookies or
> > sessions as such - though there would be advantages to moving over
> > to these techniques later, especially for some future stuff I want
> to do.
> >
> > What I need to do is try to migrate progressively, as I add new
> > features. I'm having a bit of trouble seeing the wood for the trees
> > at the moment though, especially as the current "wishlist" is pretty
> long.
> For what its worth, when given any option whatsoever I would try to
> migrate
> the entire app at one time. I have worked on projects such as these
> where
> portions of the code or functionality were migrated or updated
> piecemeal.
> They
> have always been nightmares. It seems no matter how much time you put
> into it that doing migrations part-by-part while the old app is live
> leads
> to messy code. There are always cases where you need to build up
> special
> cases in the new code to deal with the old code's behavior -- after the
> code is migrated you have to go back and clean that up yet again.
> It takes away some of the very core of why you may want to migrate in
> the first place -- to simplify, extend and document.
> So for my money, let the old app live while you migrate to the new
> app -- put the new app in place when it is ready.
> >
> > I know this is a bit vague, but do any of the old hands here have
> > any tips for handling this? Running normal Apache::Registry based
> > stuff alongside catalyst apps? And so on?
> If for some reason you must do this peicemeal, you have many options.
> What OS, Apache version etc are you running on?
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> Daniel McBrearty
> email : danielmcbrearty at gmail.com
> www.engoi.com : the multi - language vocab trainer
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