[Catalyst] A note on AS Perl 5.8.8 install problems withCatalyst and other modules
Emanuele Zeppieri
ema_zep at libero.it
Wed Mar 15 21:05:52 CET 2006
> -----Original Message-----
> From: catalyst-bounces at lists.rawmode.org
> [mailto:catalyst-bounces at lists.rawmode.org] On Behalf Of
> Nilson Santos Figueiredo Junior
> Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2006 6:06 PM
> To: The elegant MVC web framework
> Subject: Re: [Catalyst] A note on AS Perl 5.8.8 install
> problems withCatalyst and other modules
> On 3/15/06, Emanuele Zeppieri <ema_zep at libero.it> wrote:
> > The problem is probably the one described here, on the top:
> > http://search.cpan.org/src/AUTRIJUS/Module-Install-0.61/Changes
> >
> > So you should try to upgrade Module::Install to ver. 0.61
> (then let the
> > world know if it works or not).
> Maybe I'm missing something here, but does the installed version of
> Module::Install affects the instalation of new modules at all?
> I mean, Module::Install already bundles itself with very module that
> uses it for distribution.
> So shouldn't Catalyst be updated to use Module::Install 0.61? Or could
> you explain exactly what Module::Install actually does?
Well, Makefile.PL *does* load the *local* inc::Module::Install, if
installed on the host, so I thought MI could do something /intelligent/
(ie use the installed MI if newer than the bundled one, and a bunch of
other possible things).
But now, looking at the inc::Module::Install source code, I see that it
basically only loads in turn ./inc/Module/Install.pm (ie the bundled
So you are right, and I'm sorry for the useless suggestion (but the
problem was exactly that).
If not other, I've just verified that copying the new MI tree (ver.
0.61) into the Catalyst's distro inc dir solves the problem, so it's an
MI bug, solved in ver. 0.61, as diagnosed (and Catalyst needs to be
repackaged, you're right ;-)
Well, replacing the Catalyst's inc dir with the new MI could also be
another (more convoluted) temporary workaround, besides the debug mode
suggested by Thomas L. Shinnick.
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