[Catalyst] Session
Yuval Kogman
nothingmuch at woobling.org
Tue Mar 28 12:58:23 CEST 2006
On Mon, Mar 27, 2006 at 21:17:18 -0800, Will Smith wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a couple questions that I would like to ask. I am using these Session plugins for my app:
> Session Session::Store::File Session::State::Cookie
> I have a sub that logs the user out and kills the session:
> $c->session->delete();
$c->session returns a hash reference, not an object.
> 1- Could someone please show me how to kill this session. I have
> tried $c->session_delete(); and clear(), but still get errors.
In Catalyst::Plugin::Session's documentation (e.g. here:
you can find the delete_session method, which does what you want.
> 2- How could I control a user's session, in other words, a user
> can login at one machine only; if that user (or someone else)
> tries to login at another machine at the same time, the previous
> login will be kicked out. Please give me some sample code that I
> could start with.
I hope you're using Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication
Todo this you need to keep a link to the session data within the
user table. Then you could override the set_authenticated method
(called after a successful login, or any other credential):
sub set_authenticated {
my ( $c, $user ) = @_;
$user->sessionid( $c->sessionid );
$self->NEXT::set_authenticated( $user );
Then override the 'prepare' routine in post order, to perform
additional verification:
sub prepare {
my $c = shift->NEXT::prepare(@_); # post order
if ( $c->user_exists ) {
my $user = $c->user;
unless ( $user->sessionid eq $c->sessionid ) {
$c->stash->{logout_reason} = "logged in in separate session";
I hope this works for you!
Yuval Kogman <nothingmuch at woobling.org>
http://nothingmuch.woobling.org 0xEBD27418
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