[Catalyst] Re: template comparison

Ash Berlin ash at cpan.org
Sun Oct 29 15:12:04 GMT 2006

Hermida, Leandro wrote:
> Hello,
> Its great to read how fundamentally different in their approach catalyst views are (TT, Mason, ClearSilver, TAL, etc.).
> I seem to be leaning on the side of Mason so far because I would like to stick with one powerful language (Perl), even though there is the potential danger abusing it in the view.  But my question is: Is there a reason that Catalyst::View::Mason hasn't been updated for over a year (19 Aug 2005)?  Could it be missing important integration to new Catalyst features that have come out since?  Or is it not important at all that it hasn't been updated?
> Thank you for your feedback,
> Leandro Hermida
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The only major update (that i know of) to View::TT in the last few 
months was to split out the render code from process sub so that it 
could be called separately so that the output from a template could be 
used for sending to email etc.

So no, seems unlikely that View::Mason not being updated means anything.


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