[Catalyst] Generate dynamic list
Gavin Henry
ghenry at perl.me.uk
Mon Apr 9 08:14:41 GMT 2007
<quote who="Danny Warren">
> I just insclude the prototype.js script directly in my html template
> whenever I need to use prototype. More info:
> http://www.prototypejs.org/
> http://wiki.script.aculo.us/scriptaculous/show/Prototype
> Danny Warren
Yeah, Javascript is the way to go. Here's what I do with Dojo:
# Used to expose subusers as JSON data for Dojo
expose_stash: users
399 sub repousers : Local {
400 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
401 my $subid = $c->req->param('subscriber');
403 my $users;
404 if ($subid eq 'all') {
405 $users = [ $c->model('AdminDB::SubUsers')->all() ];
406 }
407 else {
408 $users = [ $c->model('AdminDB::SubUsers')
409 ->search( { subscriber_id => $subid } )->all() ];
410 }
412 $c->stash->{users} = {};
413 for my $user (@{$users}) {
414 $c->stash->{users}->{$user->account_id} = $user->email;
415 }
417 $c->detach('Admin::View::JSON');
418 }
This make a JSON object like {"10": "name at name.com", "11": "name1 at name.com"}
Now in the include that has js in:
212 function getRepoUsers(subid, selectid) {
213 users = dojo.byId(selectid);
214 dojo.io.bind({
215 url: "[% c.uri_for('/admin/subscribers/repousers'); %]",
216 method: "POST",
217 content: { subscriber: subid },
218 // Setting this mimitype and dojo automatically converts
219 // the incoming data from JSON to an object. Without it
220 // we need: var repousers = dojo.json.evalJson(data);
221 mimetype: 'text/json',
222 load: function(type, repousers) {
223 users.options.length = 0;
224 users.options[0] = new Option('Select...', 'all', true);
225 var i = 0;
226 for (var key in repousers) {
227 users.options[(i+1)] = new Option(repousers[key], key,
228 i++;
229 }
230 dojo.lfx.html.highlight(selectid, '#F5FF97', 700).play(300);
231 }
232 });
233 }
content: { subscriber: subid } is for the first select box, and we set a
onchange="getRepoUsers();" for it.
That POSTs the subid, we do the search via the DB and then send back JSON
data which is also used in above inside the "load:" to create the second
select box data and highlight, then fade the new info.
3 [% IF deexadmin %]
4 <tr>
5 <td><label for="subidfilter">Subscriber:</label></td>
6 <td><select name="subidfilter" id="subidfilter"
onchange="getDeexRepoUsers(this.value, 'users');">
7 <option value="all">All</option>
8 [% FOREACH subscriber IN subscribers %]
9 <option value="[% subscriber.subid %]">[%
subscriber.suborgname %]</option>
10 [% END %]
11 </select>
12 </td>
13 </tr>
14 [% END %]
15 <tr>
16 <td><label for="users">User:</label></td>
17 <td>
18 <select name="users" id="users">
19 <option value="all">All</option>
20 [% FOREACH user IN users %]
21 <option value="[% user.account_id %]">[% user.email
22 [% END %]
23 </select>
24 </td>
25 </tr>
Easy! ;-)
Walking the road to enlightenment... I found a penguin and a camel on the
way..... Fancy a yourname at perl.me.uk? Just ask!!!
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