[Catalyst] XML RPC Server and RenderView
Nicolas Raspail
nicolas.raspail at whisperingvault.net
Fri Aug 24 18:04:32 GMT 2007
>From Joe Landman (Sun, 22 Jul 2007)
>Hi folks:
>Using XMLRPC for some service method calls to make life
>"easier"/cleaner for some of our code. I am doing something wrong, as
I >get errors (at the end).
> I set up a simple application using the usual methods
> catalyst.pl RDB
> cd RDB
> script/rdb_create.pl controller Job
>I then set about to use portions of the examples in the
>Catalyst::Plugin::Server::XMLRPC . Specifically I created a ping and
>echo method, to test. I placed these in the Job.pm (rather than
Root.pm >... is this an issue?). This is what they look like.
>sub echo : XMLRPC { # available as: job.echo
> my ( $self, $c, @args ) = @_;
> $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = join ', ', @args;
> $c->log->debug($args[0]);
> }
>sub ping : XMLRPCPath('/job/ping') { # available as: ping
> my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
> $c->stash->{xmlrpc} = 'Pong';
> }
>Ok. Light up the server, comes up fine:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/remote_db_access/RDB$ script/rdb_server.pl
>[debug] Debug messages enabled
>[debug] Loaded plugins:
>| Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader 0.14 | | Catalyst::Plugin::Server
0.24 >| | Catalyst::Plugin::Server::XMLRPC | |
>Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple 0.17 |
>[debug] Loaded Private actions:
>| Private | Class | Method |
>| /end | RDB::Controller::Root | end | | /job/ping |
>RDB::Controller::Job | ping | | /job/echo | RDB::Controller::Job |
echo >|
>[debug] Loaded XMLRPCPath Method actions:
>| XMLRPCPath Method | Private |
>| job.echo | /job/echo | | job.ping | /job/ping |
>Now try the echo call:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ rpc_client -u http://localhost:3000/rpc -m
>/job/echo \
> abcd 123
>I get this on the client side:
>$VAR1 = {
> 'faultString' => 'Internal Server Error',
> 'faultCode' => '500'
> };
>And I get this on the server side:
>[info] RDB powered by Catalyst 5.7007
>You can connect to your server at http://balto:3000
>[info] *** Request 1 (0.011/s) [10821] [Sun Jul 22 23:05:27 2007] ***
>[debug] "POST" request for "rpc" from ""
>[debug] XML-RPC: Method called: /job/echo
>[debug] Path is "job/echo"
>[debug] abcd
>[debug] XMLRPC 500 Errors:
>Caught exception in RDB::Controller::Root->end
>"Catalyst::Action::RenderView could not find a view to forward to."
>[info] Request took 0.134054s (7.460/s)
>| Action | Time |
>| /job/echo | 0.000191s | | /end | 0.001559s |
>Basically it is telling me that it doesn't have a view to forward to.
>Is this needed in Server::XMLRPC ? I thought it did html encapsulated
>XML ... no view needed.
>Any thoughts/clues? Thanks.
when playing with Catalyst::Plugin::Server::XMLRPC following the
documentation, I get the same behaviour as Joe.
I have search the archive and found thie mail from Joe Landman , and he
has the same problem, but unfortunately, nobody answer him.
I have copy/paste his email because his setup and mine are the same, and
I don't have my script available right now.
To get my app running, at the end of my RPC function, I must put an
$c->output(' ').
I would like to know if it is the correct thing to do, or I'm doing
something wrong.
Thanks agin
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