[Catalyst] redirect and formfu controller
Kalman Kiss
ssikiss at zalaszam.hu
Tue Dec 4 11:07:49 GMT 2007
im seeing some strange behavior using
Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu. The situation is the following.
In my app, when an unathed req comes, it will be redirected to the login
page, except login, register and password remainder.
sub default : Private {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
# Hello World
# $c->response->body( $c->welcome_message );
# $c->response->redirect($c->uri_for('/login'));
my $action = $c->controller('Login')->action_for('index');
sub auto : Private {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
$c->log->debug('*** Controller: '.$c->controller.',
path_prefix='.$c->controller->path_prefix($c).' ***');
$c->log->debug('*** Login Controller:
path_prefix='.$c->controller('Login')->path_prefix($c).' ***');
if (
$c->controller eq $c->controller('Login')
|| ($c->controller eq $c->controller('Register'))
|| ($c->controller eq $c->controller('Passremainder'))
) {
$c->log->debug('*** Root: login, reg or passremainder.
return 1;
# If a user doesn't exist, force login
if (!$c->user_exists) {
# Dump a log message to the development server debug output
$c->log->debug('***Root::auto User not found, redirecting to
login page');
$c->session->{page_before_login} = $c->request->path;
# Redirect the user to the login page
# $c->response->redirect($c->uri_for('/login'));
my $action = $c->controller('Login')->action_for('login');
# Return 0 to cancel 'post-auto' processing and prevent use
of application
return 0;
# User found, so return 1 to continue with processing after this
return 1;
This code causes an endless redirect loop - i dont know why. The above
controllermatch is never true,
and my debug logs read:
[debug] "GET" request for "/" from ""
[debug] *** Controller: Foo::Controller::Root=HASH(0x909c07c),
path_prefix= ***
[debug] *** Login Controller: Foo::Controller::Login=HASH(0x997ca98),
path_prefix=login ***
[debug] Found sessionid "621742bcb308d08290e84db9809e8dae808d63f1" in cookie
[debug] Deleting session(session expired)
[debug] ***Root::auto User not found, redirecting to login page
[debug] Created session "8dac0c6ad8cb5aa95d074fdc9add1ee5bc14820c"
[debug] Redirecting to ""
[debug] "GET" request for "login/login" from ""
[debug] Path is "login/login"
[debug] *** Controller: Foo::Controller::Login=HASH(0x99a9930),
path_prefix=login ***
[debug] *** Login Controller: Foo::Controller::Login=HASH(0x99a9930),
path_prefix=login ***
[debug] Found sessionid "8dac0c6ad8cb5aa95d074fdc9add1ee5bc14820c" in cookie
[debug] Restored session "8dac0c6ad8cb5aa95d074fdc9add1ee5bc14820c"
[debug] ***Root::auto User not found, redirecting to login page
[debug] Redirecting to ""
The controllers in the second req sould match, but dont. If i use the
path_prefix, its ok.
What im doing wrong?
take care
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