[Catalyst] Re: State of the art in form valid
Moritz Onken
onken at houseofdesign.de
Thu Dec 6 13:57:31 GMT 2007
I had the same problem with extJS but I use FormFu. I wrote a pretty
simple extension for FormFu which generates the items-list for ExtJS
from formfu config files.
It supports tables, checkboxes, text, select, date, fieldset etc. Not
everything yet. But I'm on it. Validation, transformation, de/inflation
etc still works.
These forms can be populated by the "default" value of any item. You can
easily turn the Module on or off, so you can get a non-JS version if the
I'm still working on it. But I want to publish it on CPAN.
Am Donnerstag, den 06.12.2007, 15:26 +0200 schrieb Valentin Tumarkin:
> I would love to see a single "Form" framework which can be used both
> for HTML and AJAX forms (JSON data). Imagine having the View (and not
> the Controller) decide how the form will be presented - as HTML or
> ExtJS widgets.
> I understand that this can be built on top of existing modules, like
> Form::Processor. However with so many existing HTML Form modules out
> there, it seems that this problem would be better solved as a
> plugin/branch of existing High-Level Form module.
> A quick&dirty hack solution would be to write a module which populates
> Catalyst/CGI::FormBuilder form with data taken from JSON object.
> However this alone will not shift the presentation decision to View.
> Also support for hierarchical data structures (JSON) would probably be
> lost.
> A real-life example: one of my work projects is currently using
> Catalyst / FormBuilder. I want to move part of the web interface
> provided by the application to ExtJS, while keeping another part
> compatible with "non-AJAX" browsers.
> Regards,
> Valentin
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