[Catalyst] C::Log::Log4perl looses track
Adam Jacob
adam at stalecoffee.org
Tue Feb 20 22:35:47 GMT 2007
And the patch I forgot to attach.
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On Feb 20, 2007, at 9:02 AM, C?dric Bouvier wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to use Catalyst::Log::Log4perl and I would like it to print
> the name of the method it was called from and the line number, instead
> of the default "INFO - message".
> Unfortunately, it seem to always consider it was called from
> Catalyst::handle_request, at line 1479. This line calls
> C::L::Log4perl::_flush, which indeed call log4perl's appropriate
> method.
> As far as I understood, C::L::L only pushes log messages to an
> arrayref,
> and sends them to log4perl only when _flush() is invoked, and that
> happens *after* the request has been handled. The messages are
> stored in
> the arrayref together with their caller's package, and depth (how deep
> in the call stack they are), but when they are finally sent to
> Log4perl,
> most of the context is gone.
> My questions:
> - am I missing something obvious?
> - is this a bug? or is there a good reason?
> - out of sheer curiosity, why not log at once?
> - are the authors on the list and willing to turn this postponed
> logging
> into a configurable feature (I can do it myself and provide a patch,
> if need be)
> --
> C ? d r i c B o u v i e r
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