[Catalyst] Re: questions on Reaction

Daniel McBrearty danielmcbrearty at gmail.com
Tue Jan 2 22:11:52 GMT 2007

OK, this is a little odd ...

adding MyApp::View::XHTML.pm

with contents

package Engoi::View::XHTML;
use Reaction::Class;
extends 'Reaction::UI::Renderer::XHTML';

somehow stamps on the config for my TT view, which is in yaml and
looks like this:

   INCLUDE_PATH: 'templates'

is the template path somehow hardcoded into
Reaction::UI::Renderer::XHTML.pm ? I looked at the source, and I
didn't see anything that looks like that ...

On 1/2/07, Daniel McBrearty <danielmcbrearty at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 1/2/07, Matt S Trout <dbix-class at trout.me.uk> wrote:
> >
> > On 2 Jan 2007, at 21:26, Daniel McBrearty wrote:
> >
> > > to be specific, I'm now getting :
> > >
> > > Caught exception in Engoi::Controller::Admin->end "Can't call method
> > > "render" on an undefined value at
> > > /home/daniel/work/engoi/trunk/Engoi/script/../lib/Reaction/UI/
> > > Window.pm
> > > line 63."
> >
> > That's failure to find the view.
> >
> gottit. Add MyApp::View::XHTML.pm as per the example.
> now I get "file error - component: not found" ...
> --
> Daniel McBrearty
> email : danielmcbrearty at gmail.com
> www.engoi.com : the multi - language vocab trainer
> BTW : 0873928131

Daniel McBrearty
email : danielmcbrearty at gmail.com
www.engoi.com : the multi - language vocab trainer
BTW : 0873928131

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