[Catalyst] Catalyst::View::Email::Template config issue

Alan Spector alan at alanspector.org
Wed Jul 25 16:01:24 GMT 2007

Hi all,

I'm trying to use Catalyst::View::Email::Template but am having some  
trouble with it picking up my yml configuration options.
in myapp.yml I have

         content_type: multipart/alternative
         template_prefix: email
         stash_key: sendemail
             method:     SMTP
             host:       localhost

d::dumper of $self->config in V:E:Template->process;

$VAR1 = {
           'stash_key' => 'email',
           'template_prefix' => ''

d:dumper of $self in V:E:Template->process

$VAR1 = bless( {
                  'content_type' => 'multipart/alternative',
                  'mailer' => bless( {
                                       '_plugin_list' => {
                                                           'IO' =>  
                                                           'NNTP' =>  
                                                           'Qmail' =>  
                                                           'SMTP' =>  
=> 'Email::Send::Sendmail',
                                                           'Test' =>  
                                       'mailer' => 'SMTP',
                                       'mailer_args' => []
                                     }, 'Email::Send' ),
                  'sender' => {
                                'host' => 'localhost',
                                'method' => 'SMTP'
                  'stash_key' => 'sendemail',
                  'template_prefix' => 'email'
                }, 'ZPM::View::Email::Template' );

as you can see my options are in the object itself but when config  
gets called for the correct stash key it's empty. please let know  
what i'm doing wrong.



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