[Catalyst] plat_forms report published on June 20th. 2007. Geneva team on Catalyst wins the Perl track.

Alvar Freude alvar at a-blast.org
Wed Jun 20 13:09:41 GMT 2007


-- "Dami Laurent (PJ)" <laurent.dami at justice.ge.ch> wrote:

> The results and final report of the "Plat_forms" international
> programming contest were released yesterday in a press conference in
> Nuremberg, and will be published today June 20th, 2007 on
> http://www.plat-forms.org/.

the results are now online (until now not linked from the start page):


I think we should publish this as wide as possible and always should =

mention the pros of the Perl teams (smallest code, easy to extend; see =

summaries beginning on pages 75 and 67).

I submitted a story on slashdot (text see below), perhaps they will take =

it. Others may do the same, or submit something similar on other websites.


Text of my /. submission:
(Hmmm, it would be better if I mentioned the Free University of Berlin as =

author of the study, sounds better ;-) )

The <a =

href=3D"http://www.plat-forms.org/2007/documents/platformsTR.pdf">results =

and final report</a> of the <a =

href=3D"http://www.plat-forms.org/">Plat_Forms</a> international web =

programming contest were published today. For each of the categories =

Perl, PHP and Java, three teams of three people each competed to produce =

a comprehensive "social networking" application in just 30 hours. =

<strong>A short summary of the results:</strong> The Perl teams produced =

the most compact code and their solutions are very easy to extend. One =

Java team produced by far the most complete solution overall, the other =

two by far the most incomplete ones. The Java solutions are very hard to =

extend. The PHP teams used no autogenerated files, resisted SQL injection =

attempts and created the most similar solutions. There are also some <a =

href=3D"http://alvar.a-blast.org/plat_forms/">pictures of the teams</a> and =

you can guess what language they are using ...

-- =

** Alvar C.H. Freude, http://alvar.a-blast.org/
** http://www.wen-waehlen.de/
** http://odem.org/
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