[Catalyst] OT: security through obscurity (was: Encrypt/Decrypt URI)

Jonathan T. Rockway jon at jrock.us
Fri May 18 17:46:08 GMT 2007

On Fri, May 18, 2007 at 03:37:27PM +0200, A. Pagaltzis wrote:
> Just because this is a pet peeve of mine:
> Yes it is.

Obscurity is a "constant factor".  As soon as one person figures out
your obfuscation, it's useless.  When someone figures our your real
security, it does them no good at all.  Since there are 6_000_000_000
people in the world, it's likely that someone has already figured our
your obscurity, so only real security matters.

It's like saying O(2) instead of O(1).  Sure, ``O(2)'' is twice as
slow as O(1), but that's irrelevant and you sound stupid when you make
a distinction.

Finally, the hmac+md5 urls sounds sound from a security standpoint,
but it's a really dumb way to write a web app.

Jonathan Rockway

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