[Catalyst] Application design best practice
John Napiorkowski
jjn1056 at yahoo.com
Fri May 18 18:10:28 GMT 2007
--- Richard Jones <ra.jones at dpw.clara.co.uk> wrote:
> Having struggled to get my actions to match my urls
> the way I (think) I
> want, it was suggested in another thread that I put
> one or more action
> methods in the Root controller. I would be
> interested in opinions about
> what should/should not go in the Root C. At the
> moment I just have login
> logic in the auto sub (a la Tutorial), and a
> query_log routine.
> I know Catalyst is flexible, and will work OK
> whatever, but there might
> already be some good ground rules covering this. I
> am anxious to avoid
> generating an app with a large collection of methods
> in Root and not
> much elsewhere.
> --
> Richard Jones
That was me that mentioned the Root controller option.
It's not at all best practice to simple chuck
everything into root; I only suggested it as a way to
get you past the initial learning curve where you are
now frustrated because things are just acting strange
and you don't know why. I promise you with a little
effort and time it will become more clear, just if you
can't get anything at all to work you will get very
Typically I have in my Root.pm a default action to
catch anything not caught, auto for centralizing my
authorization and a catchall end controller. I also
tend to chuck ideas I am playing with there, since
it's easy.
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