[Catalyst] Session unexpectedly expiring

Jeff Chimene jchimene at gmail.com
Mon May 21 03:37:45 GMT 2007

Matt S Trout wrote:
> On Sun, May 20, 2007 at 06:20:23PM -0700, Jeff Chimene wrote:
>> Thanks for your support!
> This isn't support, this is heckling with the occasional suggestion. Support
> is what your management pays us for if the heckling gets too much :)
/me tries to avoid athletic supporter analogies.... ;-}

> But anyway, could you show your configs, tell us whether it's the same
> machine and provide fragments of your debug logs please?

Same machine. I don't know what the attachment or HTML rules are for
this list. I'm guessing the
following logs will wrap...

I'm not sure what the configs can provide, but from the lib/aic.pm:
__PACKAGE__->config( name => 'aic'
      , static => { include_path => [ '/usr/local'
                   , __PACKAGE__->config->{root} ]
                   , ignore_extensions => [ qw/tmpl tt tt2/

I couldn't figure out how to put the __PACKAGE__ reference into YAML
There is also a YAML file:
name: aic
  no_logs: 0
imgdir: /var/www/httpdocs/images
  schema_class: aic::inspect
    - dbi:mysql:database
    - theUsername
    - thePassword
    user_class: aicDB::Access
    user_field: username
    password_field: password
    role_rel: roles
    role_field: role


Same machine. Here is the log when using script/aic_server.pl:

$ script/aic_server.pl
[debug] Debug messages enabled
[debug] Loaded plugins:
| Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication 
0.09                                     |
Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Credential::Password                     |
| Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::RDBO 
0.002                       |
| Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::ACL 
0.08                                 |
| Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles 
0.05                               |
| Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader 
0.14                                       |
| Catalyst::Plugin::Session 
0.14                                            |
| Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie 
0.07                             |
| Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap 
0.02                           |
| Catalyst::Plugin::StackTrace 
0.06                                         |
| Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple 
0.17                                     |

[debug] Loaded dispatcher "Catalyst::Dispatcher"
[debug] Loaded engine "Catalyst::Engine::HTTP"
[debug] Found home "/home/jchimene/aic"
[debug] Loaded Config "/home/jchimene/aic/aic.yml"
[debug] Loaded components:
| Class                                                           |
Type     |
| aic::Controller::Editor                                         |
instance |
| aic::Controller::Login                                          |
instance |
| aic::Controller::Root                                           |
instance |
| aic::Model::Access                                              |
instance |
| aic::Model::Editor                                              |
instance |
| aic::Model::inspectDB                                           |
class    |
| aic::Model::inspectDB::__RoseDBPrivate__::Rose::DB::MySQL       |
class    |
| aic::View::Editor                                               |
instance |
| aic::View::Login                                                |
instance |

[debug] Loaded Private actions:
| Private              | Class                                |
Method       |
| /default             | aic::Controller::Root                |
default      |
| /end                 | aic::Controller::Root                |
end          |
| /acl_access_denied   | aic                                  |
acl_access_- |
|                      |                                      |
denied       |
| /auto                | aic::Controller::Root                |
auto         |
| /editor/postCaption- | aic::Controller::Editor              |
postCaption- |
| Handler              |                                      |
Handler      |
| /editor/postFileHan- | aic::Controller::Editor              |
postFileHan- |
| dler                 |                                      |
dler         |
| /editor/default      | aic::Controller::Editor              |
default      |
| /editor/access_deni- | aic::Controller::Editor              |
access_deni- |
| ed                   |                                      |
ed           |
| /editor/index        | aic::Controller::Editor              |
index        |
| /login/index         | aic::Controller::Login               |
index        |

[debug] Loaded Path actions:
| Path                                |
Private                              |
| /editor/postCaptionHandler          |
/editor/postCaptionHandler           |
| /editor/postFileHandler             |
/editor/postFileHandler              |

[info] aic powered by Catalyst 5.7007
You can connect to your server at http://anode:3000
[info] *** Request 1 (0.038/s) [11291] [Sun May 20 19:10:15 2007] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "login" from ""
[debug] Path is "login"
[debug] sending login template...
[debug] Rendering template "login.tt2"
[debug] Applying HTML page layout wrappers to login.tt2
[info] Request took 0.208960s (4.786/s)
| Action                                                         |
Time      |
| /auto                                                          |
0.000252s |
| /login/index                                                   |
0.003605s |
| /end                                                           |
0.184050s |
|  -> aic::View::Editor->process                                 |
0.181241s |

[info] *** Request 2 (0.037/s) [11291] [Sun May 20 19:10:43 2007] ***
[debug] Body Parameters are:
| Parameter                           |
Value                                |
| password                            | thePassword
| username                            |
theUsername                          |
[debug] "POST" request for "login" from ""
[debug] Path is "login"
[debug] Created session "ff89eff91811558e9b9d1b71b5dcf9b9ba7f3f12"
[debug] Successfully authenticated user 'theUsername'.
[debug] Found name: Fred Fubar
[debug] Redirecting to "http://anode:3000/editor"
[info] Request took 0.064471s (15.511/s)
| Action                                                         |
Time      |
| /auto                                                          |
0.000252s |
| /login/index                                                   |
0.042130s |
|  -> aic::Model::Access->SetSession                             |
0.013181s |
| /end                                                           |
0.000341s |

The above call to /login/index employs $c->user_exists(); which function
returns TRUE, therefore we load the user information via the Model


[info] *** Request 3 (0.042/s) [11291] [Sun May 20 19:11:00 2007] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "editor" from ""
[debug] Path is "editor"
[debug] Found sessionid "ff89eff91811558e9b9d1b71b5dcf9b9ba7f3f12" in cookie
[debug] Restored session "ff89eff91811558e9b9d1b71b5dcf9b9ba7f3f12"
[debug] Rendering template "editor.tt2"
[debug] Applying HTML page layout wrappers to editor.tt2
[info] Request took 0.057614s (17.357/s)
| Action                                                         |
Time      |
| /auto                                                          |
0.002992s |
| /editor/index                                                  |
0.000485s |
| /end                                                           |
0.034371s |
|  -> aic::View::Editor->process                                 |
0.031687s |


All is goodness.

Here is the same sequence via Apache. The "Loaded..." messages have
been snipped.


[debug] Debug messages enabled
[debug] Loaded plugins:
[debug] Loaded dispatcher "Catalyst::Dispatcher"
[debug] Loaded engine "Catalyst::Engine::CGI"
[debug] Found home "/home/jchimene/aic"
[debug] Loaded Config "/home/jchimene/aic/aic.yml"
[debug] Loaded components:
[debug] Loaded Private actions:
[debug] Loaded Path actions:
[info] aic powered by Catalyst 5.7007
[info] *** Request 1 (1.000/s) [11342] [Sun May 20 19:18:09 2007] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "login" from ""
[debug] Path is "login"
[debug] Found sessionid "ff89eff91811558e9b9d1b71b5dcf9b9ba7f3f12" in cookie
[debug] Deleting session(session expired)
[debug] sending login template...
[debug] Rendering template "login.tt2"
[debug] Applying HTML page layout wrappers to login.tt2
[info] Request took 0.206035s (4.854/s)
| Action                                                         |
Time      |
| /auto                                                          |
0.000269s |
| /login/index                                                   |
0.003596s |
| /end                                                           |
0.181393s |
|  -> aic::View::Editor->process                                 |
0.178662s |

[debug] Debug messages enabled, referer: http://anode:4000/aic/login
[debug] Loaded plugins:, referer: http://anode:4000/aic/login

clue? The following messages are all suffixed ", referer:
I've snipped the repeating text.

[debug] Loaded dispatcher "Catalyst::Dispatcher", referer:
[debug] Loaded engine "Catalyst::Engine::CGI"
[debug] Found home "/home/jchimene/aic"
[debug] Loaded Config "/home/jchimene/aic/aic.yml"
[debug] Loaded components:

[debug] Loaded Private actions:
[debug] Loaded Path actions:
[info] aic powered by Catalyst 5.7007
[info] *** Request 1 (1.000/s) [11343] [Sun May 20 19:18:14 2007] ***
[debug] Body Parameters are:
| Parameter                           |
Value                                |
| password                            | thePassword
| username                            | theUsername
[debug] "POST" request for "login" from ""
[debug] Path is "login"
[debug] Created session "a3c303b1b013700593af7ddc7fc4b54dbe441bec"
[debug] Successfully authenticated user 'theUsername'.
[debug] Found name: Fred Fubar
[debug] Redirecting to "http://anode:4000/aic/editor"
[info] Request took 0.068615s (14.574/s)
| Action                                                         |
Time      |
| /auto                                                          |
0.000250s |
| /login/index                                                   |
0.042520s |
|  -> aic::Model::Access->SetSession                             |
0.013193s |
| /end                                                           |
0.000324s |

[debug] Debug messages enabled
[debug] Loaded plugins:
[debug] Loaded dispatcher "Catalyst::Dispatcher"
[debug] Loaded engine "Catalyst::Engine::CGI"
[debug] Found home "/home/jchimene/aic"
[debug] Loaded Config "/home/jchimene/aic/aic.yml"
[debug] Loaded components:
[debug] Loaded Private actions:
[debug] Loaded Path actions:
[info] aic powered by Catalyst 5.7007
[info] *** Request 1 (1.000/s) [11345] [Sun May 20 19:18:16 2007] ***
[debug] "GET" request for "editor" from ""
[debug] Path is "editor"
[debug] Found sessionid "a3c303b1b013700593af7ddc7fc4b54dbe441bec" in cookie
[debug] Deleting session(session expired)
[debug] Created session "03b53b2ea1c834341f5230ade7b4988641f8f13e"
[debug] Deleting session(session expired)
[debug] ***Root::auto User not found, forwarding to /login
[debug] Created session "0db3f2bc845c3dfbb1f6692b8213361eb56e6921"
[debug] sending login template...
[debug] Rendering template "login.tt2"
[debug] Applying HTML page layout wrappers to login.tt2
[info] Request took 0.226073s (4.423/s)
| Action                                                         |
Time      |
| /auto                                                          |
0.018829s |
|  -> aic::Controller::Login->index                              |
0.000666s |
| /end                                                           |
0.183345s |
|  -> aic::View::Editor->process                                 |
0.180805s |

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