[Catalyst] Session unexpectedly expiring

Jeff Chimene jchimene at gmail.com
Wed May 23 16:44:19 GMT 2007

Jeff Chimene wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to figure out why my sessions are expiring in
> script/xxx_cgi.pl but not script/xxx_server.pl
> The desired cycle is to login then redirect to another controller.
> When I run the standalone server, the session state is recovered, and
> control resumes with the next controller.
> When I run using Apache & the script/xxx_cgi.pl, the session state is
> marked expired and control returns to the login controller.
> I'm using the Session, Session::Store::FastMmap, Session::State::Cookie
> plugins.
> Thanks for your support!
> Cheers,
> jec
The issue was that I had removed 'libcache-fastmmap-perl' (Debian Etch)
and installed the version from CPAN. The pure CPAN version doesn't play
well on Debian. I removed the CPAN version of File::CacheMmap, installed
the Debian Etch version, and Apache created the session_data file. I'll
contact the Debian maintainer and see if there's any interest in
explaining the discrepancy.

FWIW, I'm not thrilled w/ Debianized Perl modules; I've been attempting
to migrate away from Debianized Perl to CPAN only. There may be some
inherent limitations in that approach.


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