[Catalyst] DProf

Octavian Rasnita orasnita at gmail.com
Sat Nov 3 15:59:21 GMT 2007

From: Antano Solar =

  > Does restricting the number or threads in the maximum worker/prcoesses =
in your apache configuration file help ?


  I've just tried using the ab Apache tool but the processor reached at 60 =
- 80% even if I lowered the settings for the prefork MPM. =


  StartServers       8
  MinSpareServers    5
  MaxSpareServers   10
  ServerLimit      56 (instead of 256)
  MaxClients       56 (instead of 256)
  MaxRequestsPerChild  1000  (instead of 4000)

  Do I need to change to something lower, or try with real page visitors?

  Thank you.

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