[Catalyst] PathPart help

Ashley Pond V apv at sedition.com
Thu Nov 15 20:53:11 GMT 2007

That is really cool and answers something I've wanted to do for a  
long time (let the user define the URI to customize a package). I  
have a question. Using the PathPrefix seems to work as advertised but  
it does not replace the default path.

So, in a test I just did, MyApp::Controller::Article with __PACKAGE__- 
 >config( path => 'a' ) gives the expected, new, result at path "/a"  
but also still responds at "/article." Seems like this is not DWIW or  
M. (I'm using the sample sub in the post, not the trunk code).

The others replace correctly though(?).

/a == /article
/a/id works while /article/id fails as I'd like.


On Nov 15, 2007, at 12:07 PM, Christopher H. Laco wrote:
>> http://use.perl.org/~LTjake/journal/31738
>> -=Chris
> I use this exact setup, and I assume most do. How is your create
> declared?  sub create : Local {} ?

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