[Catalyst] Announce Catalyst::Helper::AuthDBIC
Kieren Diment
diment at gmail.com
Wed Aug 20 22:52:04 BST 2008
Catalyst::Helper::AuthDBIC just hit cpan. The perldoc claims that
it's fairly rough code, in fact it's *very* rough code, but it shows
a way of doing helpers that have to mess with application
configuration and other parts of existing application code. It uses
PPI to parse and modify your existing code.
Install it and run auth_bootstrap.pl in your application root
directory. The most important bit of the pod is copied below:
=head2 BUGS
This is experimental, fairly rough code. It's a proof of concept for
helper modules for Catalyst that need to alter the application
configuration, Makefile.PL and other parts of the application. Bug
reports, and patches are encouraged. Report bugs or provide patches
to http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=Catalyst-Helper-AuthDBIC.
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