[Catalyst] Catalyst::Authentication::Store::LDAP confusion

Kieren Diment diment at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 06:48:42 GMT 2008

On 27 Feb 2008, at 17:30, Richardson, Matthew wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to following the documentation from CPAN on this, but I  
> am confused. In MyApp.pm I have the following:
> use Catalyst qw/-Debug ConfigLoader Static::Simple
>                     Session
>                         Session::State::Cookie
>                         Session::Store::FastMmap
>                     Authentication
>                         Authentication::Store::LDAP
>                         Authentication::Credential::Password/;
> However when I start the Catalyst server with myapp_server.pl -r -d  
> -k the following is ouput:


have you tried reading the tests in the dist?  That ought to provide  
a minimal working example, with the addition of alerting you to any  
'orrible edge cases.  If not, that's a bug that needs to be fixed.

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