[Catalyst] Call for CPAN ratings on Catalyst modules
apv at sedition.com
Thu Feb 28 18:29:00 GMT 2008
I subscribe to the CPAN feed to watch for updates and such. I see
Catalyst stuff I'm unfamiliar with often, like this which just got a
new version up: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Catalyst-Controller-Atompub/
Few of modules have ratings/reviews. I would be grateful to anyone
who has experience with any "fringe" Cat modules up if you'd review/
rate them. There are more all the time and I often see things that
make me think, "Wow, that might solve my problem. Or it might be a 2
week detour I'll have to rewrite… I wish some fine upstanding Perl
hacker who already took that trip would drop a bread crumb or two."
It's also easy to remember to write a bad review when you get burned.
Harder to remember to write a good one when something works just the
way you want. Remember!
[Please don't let this spark a discussion about the value or lack of
it in ratings/reviews. That's up to the reader. They are very helpful
to me, especially when I know the reviewer from this list or
PerlMonks or whatever.]
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