[Catalyst] Catalyst::View::Email broken?

Moritz Onken onken at houseofdesign.de
Thu Jan 10 09:36:00 GMT 2008


could you also implement a way to put the subject in the template?

Something like (TT):
[% subject = "My Subject %]
[% BLOCK content %]
Email content
[% END %]

This makes localization possible for the subject,

when can we expect a new version?



Am 10.01.2008 um 01:50 schrieb J. Shirley:

> On Jan 9, 2008 3:26 PM, Bernhard Graf <catalyst3 at augensalat.de> wrote:
> J. Shirley wrote:
> > Hi Bernhard
> >
> > Could you file this as an RT bug?  I'm working on the next version
> > which will also have attachment support and don't want to miss this.
> Done.
> But thinking about this module brought me to the conclusion, that it
> doesn't buy me anything (besides headaches).
> Instead I've put a tiny little send_mail method in MyApp's base class,
> that calls Email::MIME::Creator and Email::Send.
> Less code that can break (and actually does) and more elegant to say
>  $self->send_mail($email_mime_object);
> instead of
>  $c->stash->{email} = $email_mime_hash;
>  $c->forward('View::Email');
> --
> Bernhard Graf
> Thanks for the bug!
> I definitely see your point about the simpler send_mail method, and  
> I think for a lot of cases it probably is easier that way.  I really  
> want to tie into the template rendering process with it, and that  
> was my main impetus for writing the module in the first place.
> Once I can tie into other views to render attachments, I think it  
> will be worth it (An attachment sourced from a PDF View, for  
> example).  Until then, it's just slow progression that way.
> Thanks for the feedback, though.  If you are just doing a plugin  
> cycle, you may want to look at Catalyst::Plugin::Email.
> -J
> -- 
> J. Shirley :: jshirley at gmail.com :: Killing two stones with one  
> bird...
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