[Catalyst] Re-enable digest mode?
Lampert, Hugh
Hugh.Lampert at lbbwus.com
Fri Jan 11 14:52:58 GMT 2008
Up until this week I was receiving the Catalyst list e-mails in digest form. This week I'm getting individual e-mails. When I checked the list server options it told me digest mode had been disabled by the administrator. It's hard for me to process multiple individual e-mails from the Catalyst list along with my other e-mail; is there any way digest mode could be re-enabled?
Hugh Lampert
IT Specialist
Information Technology (3261)
Landesbank Baden-Württemberg
New York Branch
280 Park Avenue, 31st Floor - West Building
New York, NY 10017
Phone: (212) 584-1775
Fax: (212) 584-1799
Email: Hugh.Lampert at LBBWus.com
Web: www.LBBW.com
-----Original Message-----
From: Emmanuel Quevillon [mailto:tuco at pasteur.fr]
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2008 8:38 AM
To: The elegant MVC web framework
Subject: [Catalyst] Serving html pages
I am quite new with catalyst and I'd like to know how I could serve some html pages (actually documentation) e.g.:
www.myapp.com/docs/index.html ?
When I try to integrate such link in my template page, Pages are not served and as mentioned in the C::P::Static::Simple it does not serve .html file.
Is there any magic thing to do without changing
MyApp->config->{static}->{ignore_extensions} ?
Thanks a lot
Emmanuel Quevillon
Biological Software and Databases Group
Institut Pasteur
+33 1 44 38 95 98
tuco at_ pasteur dot fr
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Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/
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