[Catalyst] Package ,
Catalyst::Plugin::Wizard is great but examples need some clarification
Ian Tegebo
ian.tegebo at gmail.com
Fri Jul 11 09:26:11 BST 2008
Firstly, I hadn't seen this module before - so thanks for that!
Secondly, in case you hadn't already noticed, there are more examples
within the test directory that may be of some use.
On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 11:50 PM, <kakimoto at tpg.com.au> wrote:
> hi there
> Anyone used this module yet? I was very impressed when i read the
> perldoc for it.
> Even got it installed.
> I think it's a very powerful module but needs some work.
> Now, looking at the example found in
> http://search.cpan.org/~davinchi/Catalyst-Plugin-Wizard-0.06/lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Wizard.pm#$c-%3Ewizard-%3Enext,
> I have some questions.
> 1) Referring to " sub edit : Local", it will only work if the current
> user has logged in.. That sounds alright but then again, what happens
> when a user is already logged in?
> 2) I have tried building something into my application. I have these steps:
> - step 1: Display form showing loan type
> - step 2: Validate and make sure a loan type is selected. Then,
> display a specific loan type form which contains specific attributes
> (based on loan type ie. personal loan, home loan and so forth)
> - step 3: Validate and make sure the attributes of a specific loan
> type has been entered. If so, save loan type and the other attributes
> into the model and just display a "saved ok" confirmation screen (the
> least).
> When I used this Catalyst::Plugin::Wizard, $c->wizard is never
> defined when I come to step 3.
> Help!!
> thank you
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Ian Tegebo
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