[Catalyst] Re: Users hierarchy

Aristotle Pagaltzis pagaltzis at gmx.de
Tue Jun 3 10:59:23 BST 2008

* Wade.Stuart at fallon.com <Wade.Stuart at fallon.com> [2008-06-02 18:45]:
> Check out Nested Trees, Joe Celko has some articles about them.

They’re called Nested Sets.

* John Tate <jt6 at sanger.ac.uk> [2008-06-03 11:20]:
> Along the same lines, you could look at "modified pre-order
> tree traversal". 

Err, that’s essentially the same thing. The data structure is a
nested set, and one of the algorithms related to it is modified
pre-order tree traversal (which is how you derive the left/right
numbers for a nested set from a tree). Referring to the data
structure by the name of one of the algorithms that apply to it
is a bit confused, though.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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