[Catalyst] Re: Catalyst site design drafts feedback thread

Kieren Diment diment at gmail.com
Thu Jun 12 09:09:26 BST 2008

On 12 Jun 2008, at 17:48, Tobias Kremer wrote:

> I don't want to sound rude but I don't like any of the proposed
> designs. To be honest, from a stilistic point of view they all look
> worse than the current Catalyst frontpage. They all pale in comparison
> to nearly EVERY other MVC framework's web site. Look at  
> djangoproject.com,
> cakephp.org, symfony-project.org, even rubyonrails.org with its
> simplistic approach is much more attractive. No offense, but if this
> is a glimpse at the future of catalyst.perl.org I'm seriously worried
> about the framework's future. This is how to NOT attract new users.

You piqued my curiosity with the comparisons with other framework  
sites, so I thought I'd look.

Subjectively speaking, I think that all the sites you mention above  
are horribly ugly with the exception of the rubyonrails one which is  
quite nice.   Mainly the other sites lose me in a technicolour yawn  
(http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=technicolor+yawn) of  
blocky colour.

And as far as the comparison between http://www.browsing.co.uk/cat/  
and  http://www.catalystframework.org/ goes ...

the browsing.co.uk mockup is quite a bit easier to scan for  
information than the current site, in my opinion (could do with a  
more prominent download link, like the other framework sites havee).   
I'd also like to see a way for the crop circle image to get  
integrated into the top banner gradient thingy.

OK, your turn ;)

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