[Catalyst] Mapping CGI scripts URLs

Christian Lackas christian at lackas.net
Fri Nov 21 19:54:03 GMT 2008

* Jonathan Rockway <jon at jrock.us> [081121 20:30]:

Hi Jonathan,

> > I assume this is some kind of strange safety feature?
> Nope, something must be wonky in your app.  I tested it, and .cgi paths
> work fine.  (You might want to try the myapp_test.pl script in the
> debugger.)

you are totally right and I take everything back.
I used 'exit' in my redirection routine where I actually meant 'return'
and this lead to the described behavior in the forked server when one of
the old cgi-stype URLs was used.
Your hint with the app_test.pl running in the debugger helped me a lot.

I will also look into overriding prepare_path no.


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